Recognition and accreditation

Preparation of reports or audits with a focus on sustainable freight transport recognition systems, including:

  • Proposition and implementation of good practices focusing on progress in existing systems (SVTC/PLVB, GHG Protocol)
  • Purchase or lease of alternative freight vehicles
  • Preparation of reports and inventories aimed at submission to the recognition systems
  • Submission of reports to existing recognition system platforms
  • Periodic monitoring to ensure progress
  • Audit of reports to assist Certifiers or Candidates

Inventory, carbon credit and offset

Estimates aimed at meeting national and international audit criteria for:Estimates aimed at meeting national and international audit criteria for:

  • Activity (t-km, p-km, vehicle stock, sales, etc.)
  • Energy (Gasoline, Ethanol, Diesel, kerosene, etc.)
  • GHG (CO2, CH4, N2O e HFC)
  • Pollutants (CO, NOx, NMVOC, RCHO, SO2, MP e Evap.)
  • Carbon pricing (credit or taxation)
  • Carbon offsetting (calculation and intermediation)


Technical consultancy on:

  • Reduction of the carbon footprint, in line with the SDGs (UN)
  • Operational efficiency (telemetry, embedded systems, aerodynamics, rolling resistance, etc.)
  • Pre-feasibility or technical, economic and environmental feasibility studies
  • Managers development courses (mitigation strategies, carbon pricing, selection of new technologies, green marketing, etc.)
  • Employee development courses (GHG and energy inventories, data collection, identification of bottlenecks, etc.)

Lùth Engineering, Mobility and Sustainable Logistics

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