We apply our ‘Transport-Energy-Emissions Multi-Tier Analysis’ (TEMA) model, invited as a reference model in Brazil by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change – IPCC (UNFCCC/UN) to compose the Sixth Assessment Report (AR6), aiming to offer the most accurate activity, energy use and emissions, considering all available modes of transport. Based on the TEMA model, we offer future scenarios of activity, atmospheric emissions and energy use, considering different assumptions, narratives and time horizons. Considering our know-how in the sector, we provide specific analyzes and suggestions for our clients (financial instruments, mitigation measures, etc.). Furthermore, we develop reference books, roadmaps and technical reports with a focus on the discontinuation and/or penetration of conventional/alternative technologies. In the current context of constant technological transformation in the sector, we offer solutions on new business models (tenders and bids, financing, charging infrastructure, etc.). Based on the TEMA model and our expertise, we calculate the carbon credit of companies in the regulated and voluntary markets, as well as intermediate carbon offsetting



Business and government inventories (municipalities, states, countries and economic regions) of:

  • Activity (t-km, p-km, vehicle stock, sales, etc.)
  • Energy (Gasoline, Ethanol, Diesel, kerosene, etc.)
  • GHG (CO2, CH4, N2O e HFC)
  • Pollutants (CO, NOx, NMVOC, RCHO, SO2, MP e Evap.)

Prospective scenarios

Future scenarios for companies and governments contemplating:

  • Definition of the time horizon (2030, 2050, 2100, etc.)
  • Definition of assumptions and narratives
  • Stakeholder consultation and event organization
  • Activity, Energy and Emissions Estimates
  • Estimation of key performance indicators (KPI)

Technical analysis

Suggestions and analysis of requests on specific topics, such as:

  • Penetration of technologies in vehicle stock
  • Proposition of financial and policy instruments, as well as mitigation measures
  • Calculation of CAPEX and OPEX of technologies
  • Calculation of Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and Emission Abatement Potential (MACC) of technologies
  • Analysis of key indicators (KPI) (energy and carbon intensities, modal split, share of renewables, etc.)

New business models

Consulting services on new business models, such as:

  • Vehicle sharing (cars/bikes/scooters)
  • Purchase or lease of alternative vehicles
  • Implementation of charging stations and related strategies (number of chargers, location, etc.)
  • Consultancy in the preparation of bids (new technologies, financing, etc.)

Carbon credit and offset areas

Estimates aimed at meeting national and international audit criteria for:Estimates aimed at meeting national and international audit criteria for:

  • Carbon pricing (credit or taxation)
  • Carbon offsetting (calculation and intermediation)

Lùth Engineering, Mobility and Sustainable Logistics

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